Sarah Aitken

Sarah Aitken

Group Leader
University of Cambridge

Speaker: How is biology informing early detection?

Jennifer Beane-Ebel

Jennifer Beane-Ebel

Associate Professor
Boston University

Speaker: How is biology informing early detection?

Billy Boyle

Billy Boyle

Owlstone Medical

Chair: Emerging technologies for cancer early detection

Kate Brain

Kate Brain

Cardiff University

Speaker: Insights from Early Detection Trials

Scott Bratman

Associate Professor
University of Toronto

Speaker: Insights from Early Detection Trials

Rob Bristow

Rob Bristow

University of Manchester

Panelist: Global challenges in cancer early detection regarding the differences in biological and environmental factors and healthcare system

David Crosby

Cancer Research UK

Moderator: Great Debate: Research focusing on early detection of rare cancers is a waste of money

Bill Dahut

Bill Dahut

Chief Scientific Officer
American Cancer Society

Moderator: Global challenges in cancer early detection regarding the differences in biological and environmental factors and healthcare system

Joseph DeSimone

Joseph DeSimone

Stanford University

Chair: Emerging technologies for cancer early detection

Ruth Etzioni

Ruth Etzioni

Rosalie and Harold Rae Brown Chair
Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Panelist: The future of evaluation of cancer screening technologies

Teal Health

Speaker: Emerging technologies for cancer early detection

Rebecca Fitzgerald

Rebecca Fitzgerald

University of Cambridge

Chair: How is biology informing early detection?

Rhian Gabe

Queen Mary University of London

Speaker: Insights from Early Detection Trials

Angela Goncalves

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, German Cancer Research Center

Speaker: How is biology informing early detection?

Allan Hackshaw

Allan Hackshaw

University College London

Chair: Insights from Early Detection Trials

Tiffani Howard

Tiffani Howard

Asst. Director of Community Engagement
Oregon Health & Sciences University

Speaker: Insights from Early Detection Trials

Ken Lau

Ken Lau

Vanderbilt University

Speaker: How is biology informing early detection?

Li Li

Li Li

University of Virginia

Panelist: The future of evaluation of cancer screening technologies

Michael Liang

Michael Liang

Managing Partner
InVivium Capital

Panelist: Investing into the future: From Lab to Clinic

Sanjay Malhotra

Sanjay Malhotra

Professor & Director
Oregon Health & Science University

Moderator: Investing into the future: From Lab to Clinic

Sarah Mazzilli

Sarah Mazzilli

Assistant Professor of Medicine
Boston University

Chair: How is biology informing early detection?

Nima Nabavizadeh

Nima Nabavizadeh

Associate Professor
Oregon Health & Science University

Chair: Insights from Early Detection Trials

Jennifer Moodley

Jennifer Moodley

University of Cape Town

Panelist: Global challenges in cancer early detection regarding the differences in biological and environmental factors and healthcare system

Sylvia Plevritis

Sylvia Plevritis

Stanford University

Chair: Artificial Intelligence – promises vs. reality for early detection

Steve Quake

Steve Quake

Stanford University

Keynote: New approaches to early detection of cancer

Azra Raza

Azra Raza

Columbia University

Keynote: The First Cell: Route for early detection and prevention

Hilary Robbins

Hilary Robbins

International Agency for Research on Cancer

Panelist: The future of evaluation of cancer screening technologies

Jenny Rooke

Jenny Rooke

Managing Director
Genoa Ventures

Panelist: Investing into the future: From Lab to Clinic

Nitzan Rosenfeld

Nitzan Rosenfeld

Queen Mary University of London

Panelist: Investing into the future: From Lab to Clinic

Peter Sasieni

Peter Sasieni

Queen Mary University of London

Keynote: Revolutionising cancer screening

Paul Spellman

Paul Spellman


Debater: Research focusing on early detection of rare cancers is a waste of money

Cathie Sudlow

Cathie Sudlow

University of Edinburgh

Chair: Artificial Intelligence – promises vs. reality for early detection

Sian Taylor-Phillips

Sian Taylor-Phillips

University of Warwick

Panelist: The future of evaluation of cancer screening technologies

Emma Woodward

Emma Woodward


Debater: Research focusing on early detection of rare cancers is a waste of money

Otto Zhou

University of North Carolina

Speaker: Emerging technologies for cancer early detection